

WineFunding invented a simple and innovative concept

a single payment in 2025 to help Noémie finance her project

You receive the new vintage every year for 4 years with discounts on public prices

Choose your package

Immerse yourself in the world of Château Saint-Ferdinand and discover unique, environmentally-friendly wines. To treat yourself or to share, choose a pack of 3, 6, 12 or 24 bottles a year for 4 years, depending on your taste and budget. In 2028, the 4th year, you'll receive the first bottles from the plot you helped plant. You can also choose ‘estate experience’ packs to enjoy a special moment in the heart of the vineyard.


Pay once in 2025 and receive 3 bottles every year for 4 years

1 x Claret "Thank you Charles" (next vintage of the cuvée tasted by King Charles)
1 x Château St-Ferdinand (red)
1 x Enora (rosé)
[except in 2028]
1x Rapsodie (white) [in 2028 instead of rosé]

Total over 4 years : 12 bottles for 250€
Shipping included to mainland France*
You save 15€**

Pay once in 2025 and receive 6 bottles every year for 4 years

1 x Claret "Thank you Charles" (next vintage of the cuvée tasted by King Charles)
1 x Château St-Ferdinand (red)
1 x cuvée Prestige (red)
1 x Enora (rosé)
1 x Manon (dry sparkling)
1 x cuvée F (red)
[except in 2028]
1 x Rapsodie (white) [in 2028 instead of cuvée F]

Total over 4 years: 24 bottles for 450€
Shipping included to mainland France*
You save 66€**

Pay once in 2025 and receive 12 bottles every year for 4 years

2 x Claret "Thank you Charles" (next vintage of the cuvée tasted by King Charles)
2 x Château St-Ferdinand (red)
2 x Prestige (rouge)
[except in 2028: 1]
1 x Enora (rosé)
1 x Fusion (rosé in acacia barrels)
2 x Manon (dry sparkling)
2 x cuvée F (red)
[except in 2028: 1]
2 x Rapsodie (white) [only in 2028]

Total over 4 years: 48 bottles for 800€
Shipping included to mainland France*
You save 220€**

Pay once in 2025 and receive 24 bottles every year for 4 years

In 2025 1 bottle of the cuvée Source 2022 (vintage tasted by King Charles) + 2 bottles of the 2023 vintage of the same cuvée renamed Claret ‘Thank you Charles ’.
Then from 2026 to 2028, 3 x Claret "Thank you Charles".

4 x Château St-Ferdinand (red)
4 x Prestige (red) (3 in 2028)
3 x Enora (rosé) (2 en 2028)
3 x Fusion (rosé in acacia barrels) (2 in 2028)
4 x Manon (dry sparkling) (3 in 2028)
3 x cuvée F (red)

4 x Rapsodie (white) [only in 2028]

+1 experience at the estate for 2 people (grape harvest, meal in the vines or guinguette concert)
[date to be agreed with Noémie between 2025 and 2028]

Total over 4 years: 96 bottles + 1 estate experience for 1 500€
Shipping included to mainland France*
You save 624€**

*Delivery each year is included in the price of the packages for mainland France.

** Savings based on the 2024 online sales price including VAT and the public delivery price in mainland France.
(e.g.: €20 for a case of 6 bottles each year)

Extra shipping cost vary according to the country in which you live and the package selected.
For prices, please contact us at the following address:

More information on Château Saint-Ferdinand :


Enjoy the experience of your choice at the vineyard for 2 people:

Meal with the winemaker
Harvest workshop
Guinguette concert organised by the château during the summer

Date to be agreed with Noémie between 2025 and 2028.

+a complimentary bottle of wine

Why not try the wine experience with your colleagues or a group of friends?

You can enjoy a private moment for 10 people with Noémie and leave with a bottle of the Château.
You can adjust the amount of your contribution according to the number of participants (€70 per person). Contact us at
Minimum of 6 people, date to be agreed with Noémie between 2025 and 2028.

+a complimentary bottle of wine

16 990 €
de la meta de 30 000 €

Este proyecto sólo será financiado si alcanza la meta antes de la fecha límite. Finaliza a 23/04/2025

Por 10.00 € o más

Free support: I would like to support the project for no consideration (from €10)

You wish to support this project with an amount of your choice, without receiving any compensation

Por 140.00 € o más

Experience Pack #2

Take advantage of a choice of vineyard experiences for 2 people, with a bottle offered:

- Meal with the winemaker
- Harvest workshop
- Guinguette evening organized by the château during the summer

Date to be agreed with the estate between 2025 and 2028.

Por 700.00 € o más

Experience Pack #10

Why not bring your colleagues or a group of friends together for a wine experience?

You can enjoy a private moment for 10 people with the winemaker and leave with a bottle of Château wine.

You can adjust the amount of your contribution according to the number of participants (€70 per person).
Minimum of 6 people, date to be agreed with the estate between 2025 and 2028.

Por 250.00 € o más


Receive 3 bottles each year in 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028

1 x Claret “Thank you Charles” (cuvée du Roi red)
1 x Château St-Ferdinand (red)
1 x Enora (rosé)
[except in 2028]
1 x Rapsodie (white) [in 2028 instead of rosé].

Shipping costs included for mainland France.
Additional shipping costs can be paid online at, please contact us.

Por 450.00 € o más


Receive 6 bottles each year in 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028

1 x Claret “Thank you Charles” (cuvée du Roi red)
1 x Château St-Ferdinand (red)
1 x Prestige (red)
1 x Enora (rosé)
1 x Manon (dry sparkling)
1 x cuvée F (red)
[except in 2028]
1 x Rapsodie (white) [in 2028 instead of cuvée F].

Shipping costs included for mainland France.
Additional shipping costs can be paid online at, please contact us.

Por 800.00 € o más


Receive 12 bottles each year in 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028

2 x Claret “Thank you Charles” (red Cuvée du Roi)
2 x Château St-Ferdinand (red)
2 x Prestige (red)
[except in 2028: 1]
1 x Enora (rosé)
1 x Fusion (rosé in acacia barrels)
2 x Manon (dry sparkling)
2 x cuvée F (red)
[except in 2028: 1]
2 x Rapsodie (white) [in 2028 only]

Shipping costs included for mainland France.
Additional shipping costs can be paid online at, please contact us.

Por 1 500.00 € o más


Receive 24 bottles each year in 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028:

In 2025, 1 bottle of the cuvée Source 2022 (tasted by the King, while stocks last) + 2 bottles of the 2023 vintage of the same cuvée renamed Claret “Thank you Charles ”.
Then from 2026 to 2028, 3 x Claret “Thank you Charles ”.

4 x Château St-Ferdinand (red)
4 x Prestige (red) (3 in 2028)
3 x Enora (rosé) (2 in 2028)
3 x Fusion (rosé in acacia barrels) (2 in 2028)
4 x Manon (dry sparkling) (3 in 2028)
3 x Cuvée F (red)
**4 x Rapsodie (white)
[only in 2028]

+1 estate experience for 2 (harvest, meal in the vineyard or guinguette) [date to be agreed with Noémie
[date to be agreed with Noémie between 2025 and 2028].

Total over 4 years: 96 bottles + 1 experience on the estate for €1,500

Delivery costs included for continental France.
Additional shipping costs can be paid online on, please contact us.

solamente 20 disponible

Por 250.00 € o más


Recevez 3 bouteilles chaque année en 2025, 2026, 2027 et 2028

1 x Claret "Thank you Charles" (rouge cuvée du Roi)
1 x Château St-Ferdinand (rouge)
1 x F (rouge)
[sauf en 2028]
1x Rapsodie (blanc) [en 2028]

Total sur 4 ans : 12 bouteilles pour 250€
Livraison incluse*
Vous économisez 18€**

Por 450.00 € o más


Recevez 6 bouteilles chaque année en 2025,2026,2027 et 2028

2 x Claret "Thank you Charles" (rouge cuvée du Roi)[sauf en 2028 : 1]
2 x Château St-Ferdinand (rouge) [sauf en 2028 : 1]
1 x Prestige (rouge)
1 x cuvée F (rouge)
[sauf en 2028]
2 x Rapsodie (blanc) [en 2028]

Total sur 4 ans : 24 bouteilles pour 450€
Livraison incluse*
Vous économisez 88€**

Por 850.00 € o más


Recevez chaque année 12 bouteilles en 2025,2026,2027 et 2028

3 x Claret "Thank you Charles" (rouge Cuvée du Roi) [sauf en 2028 : 2]
3 x Château St-Ferdinand (rouge)
3 x Prestige (rouge)
[sauf en 2028 : 2]
3 x cuvée F (rouge) [sauf en 2028 : 2]
3 x Rapsodie (blanc) [en 2028 seulement]

Total sur 4 ans : 48 bouteilles pour 850€
Livraison incluse*
Vous économisez 192€**

Por 1 600.00 € o más


Recevez 24 bouteilles en 2025,2026,2027 et 2028

En 2025 1 bouteille de la cuvée Source 2022 (dégustée par le Roi, dans la limite des stocks disponibles) + 5 bouteilles du millésime 2023 de la même cuvée rebaptisée Claret "Thank you Charles"
Puis de 2026 à 2028, 4 x Claret "Thank you Charles"

6 x Château St-Ferdinand (rouge)
6 x Prestige (rouge)
6 x cuvée F (rouge)
[sauf en 2028 : 4]
4 x Rapsodie (blanc) [seulement en 2028]

+1 expérience au domaine pour 2 personnes (vendange, repas dans les vignes ou guinguette)
[date à convenir avec Noémie entre 2025 et 2028]

Total sur 4 ans : 96 bouteilles + 1 expérience au domaine pour 1600€
Livraison incluse*
Vous économisez 536€**

2 Contribuyentes no escogieron para volver .

gracias por WineFunders



WineFunding invented a simple and innovative concept

a single payment in 2025 to help Noémie finance her project

You receive the new vintage every year for 4 years with discounts on public prices

Choose your package

Immerse yourself in the world of Château Saint-Ferdinand and discover unique, environmentally-friendly wines. To treat yourself or to share, choose a pack of 3, 6, 12 or 24 bottles a year for 4 years, depending on your taste and budget. In 2028, the 4th year, you'll receive the first bottles from the plot you helped plant. You can also choose ‘estate experience’ packs to enjoy a special moment in the heart of the vineyard.


Pay once in 2025 and receive 3 bottles every year for 4 years

1 x Claret "Thank you Charles" (next vintage of the cuvée tasted by King Charles)
1 x Château St-Ferdinand (red)
1 x Enora (rosé)
[except in 2028]
1x Rapsodie (white) [in 2028 instead of rosé]

Total over 4 years : 12 bottles for 250€
Shipping included to mainland France*
You save 15€**

Pay once in 2025 and receive 6 bottles every year for 4 years

1 x Claret "Thank you Charles" (next vintage of the cuvée tasted by King Charles)
1 x Château St-Ferdinand (red)
1 x cuvée Prestige (red)
1 x Enora (rosé)
1 x Manon (dry sparkling)
1 x cuvée F (red)
[except in 2028]
1 x Rapsodie (white) [in 2028 instead of cuvée F]

Total over 4 years: 24 bottles for 450€
Shipping included to mainland France*
You save 66€**

Pay once in 2025 and receive 12 bottles every year for 4 years

2 x Claret "Thank you Charles" (next vintage of the cuvée tasted by King Charles)
2 x Château St-Ferdinand (red)
2 x Prestige (rouge)
[except in 2028: 1]
1 x Enora (rosé)
1 x Fusion (rosé in acacia barrels)
2 x Manon (dry sparkling)
2 x cuvée F (red)
[except in 2028: 1]
2 x Rapsodie (white) [only in 2028]

Total over 4 years: 48 bottles for 800€
Shipping included to mainland France*
You save 220€**

Pay once in 2025 and receive 24 bottles every year for 4 years

In 2025 1 bottle of the cuvée Source 2022 (vintage tasted by King Charles) + 2 bottles of the 2023 vintage of the same cuvée renamed Claret ‘Thank you Charles ’.
Then from 2026 to 2028, 3 x Claret "Thank you Charles".

4 x Château St-Ferdinand (red)
4 x Prestige (red) (3 in 2028)
3 x Enora (rosé) (2 en 2028)
3 x Fusion (rosé in acacia barrels) (2 in 2028)
4 x Manon (dry sparkling) (3 in 2028)
3 x cuvée F (red)

4 x Rapsodie (white) [only in 2028]

+1 experience at the estate for 2 people (grape harvest, meal in the vines or guinguette concert)
[date to be agreed with Noémie between 2025 and 2028]

Total over 4 years: 96 bottles + 1 estate experience for 1 500€
Shipping included to mainland France*
You save 624€**

*Delivery each year is included in the price of the packages for mainland France.

** Savings based on the 2024 online sales price including VAT and the public delivery price in mainland France.
(e.g.: €20 for a case of 6 bottles each year)

Extra shipping cost vary according to the country in which you live and the package selected.
For prices, please contact us at the following address:

More information on Château Saint-Ferdinand :


Enjoy the experience of your choice at the vineyard for 2 people:

Meal with the winemaker
Harvest workshop
Guinguette concert organised by the château during the summer

Date to be agreed with Noémie between 2025 and 2028.

+a complimentary bottle of wine

Why not try the wine experience with your colleagues or a group of friends?

You can enjoy a private moment for 10 people with Noémie and leave with a bottle of the Château.
You can adjust the amount of your contribution according to the number of participants (€70 per person). Contact us at
Minimum of 6 people, date to be agreed with Noémie between 2025 and 2028.

+a complimentary bottle of wine

16 990 €
de la meta de 30 000 €

Este proyecto sólo será financiado si alcanza la meta antes de la fecha límite. Finaliza a 23/04/2025

Por 10.00 € o más

Free support: I would like to support the project for no consideration (from €10)

You wish to support this project with an amount of your choice, without receiving any compensation

Por 140.00 € o más

Experience Pack #2

Take advantage of a choice of vineyard experiences for 2 people, with a bottle offered:

- Meal with the winemaker
- Harvest workshop
- Guinguette evening organized by the château during the summer

Date to be agreed with the estate between 2025 and 2028.

Por 700.00 € o más

Experience Pack #10

Why not bring your colleagues or a group of friends together for a wine experience?

You can enjoy a private moment for 10 people with the winemaker and leave with a bottle of Château wine.

You can adjust the amount of your contribution according to the number of participants (€70 per person).
Minimum of 6 people, date to be agreed with the estate between 2025 and 2028.

Por 250.00 € o más


Receive 3 bottles each year in 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028

1 x Claret “Thank you Charles” (cuvée du Roi red)
1 x Château St-Ferdinand (red)
1 x Enora (rosé)
[except in 2028]
1 x Rapsodie (white) [in 2028 instead of rosé].

Shipping costs included for mainland France.
Additional shipping costs can be paid online at, please contact us.

Por 450.00 € o más


Receive 6 bottles each year in 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028

1 x Claret “Thank you Charles” (cuvée du Roi red)
1 x Château St-Ferdinand (red)
1 x Prestige (red)
1 x Enora (rosé)
1 x Manon (dry sparkling)
1 x cuvée F (red)
[except in 2028]
1 x Rapsodie (white) [in 2028 instead of cuvée F].

Shipping costs included for mainland France.
Additional shipping costs can be paid online at, please contact us.

Por 800.00 € o más


Receive 12 bottles each year in 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028

2 x Claret “Thank you Charles” (red Cuvée du Roi)
2 x Château St-Ferdinand (red)
2 x Prestige (red)
[except in 2028: 1]
1 x Enora (rosé)
1 x Fusion (rosé in acacia barrels)
2 x Manon (dry sparkling)
2 x cuvée F (red)
[except in 2028: 1]
2 x Rapsodie (white) [in 2028 only]

Shipping costs included for mainland France.
Additional shipping costs can be paid online at, please contact us.

Por 1 500.00 € o más


Receive 24 bottles each year in 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028:

In 2025, 1 bottle of the cuvée Source 2022 (tasted by the King, while stocks last) + 2 bottles of the 2023 vintage of the same cuvée renamed Claret “Thank you Charles ”.
Then from 2026 to 2028, 3 x Claret “Thank you Charles ”.

4 x Château St-Ferdinand (red)
4 x Prestige (red) (3 in 2028)
3 x Enora (rosé) (2 in 2028)
3 x Fusion (rosé in acacia barrels) (2 in 2028)
4 x Manon (dry sparkling) (3 in 2028)
3 x Cuvée F (red)
**4 x Rapsodie (white)
[only in 2028]

+1 estate experience for 2 (harvest, meal in the vineyard or guinguette) [date to be agreed with Noémie
[date to be agreed with Noémie between 2025 and 2028].

Total over 4 years: 96 bottles + 1 experience on the estate for €1,500

Delivery costs included for continental France.
Additional shipping costs can be paid online on, please contact us.

solamente 20 disponible

Por 250.00 € o más


Recevez 3 bouteilles chaque année en 2025, 2026, 2027 et 2028

1 x Claret "Thank you Charles" (rouge cuvée du Roi)
1 x Château St-Ferdinand (rouge)
1 x F (rouge)
[sauf en 2028]
1x Rapsodie (blanc) [en 2028]

Total sur 4 ans : 12 bouteilles pour 250€
Livraison incluse*
Vous économisez 18€**

Por 450.00 € o más


Recevez 6 bouteilles chaque année en 2025,2026,2027 et 2028

2 x Claret "Thank you Charles" (rouge cuvée du Roi)[sauf en 2028 : 1]
2 x Château St-Ferdinand (rouge) [sauf en 2028 : 1]
1 x Prestige (rouge)
1 x cuvée F (rouge)
[sauf en 2028]
2 x Rapsodie (blanc) [en 2028]

Total sur 4 ans : 24 bouteilles pour 450€
Livraison incluse*
Vous économisez 88€**

Por 850.00 € o más


Recevez chaque année 12 bouteilles en 2025,2026,2027 et 2028

3 x Claret "Thank you Charles" (rouge Cuvée du Roi) [sauf en 2028 : 2]
3 x Château St-Ferdinand (rouge)
3 x Prestige (rouge)
[sauf en 2028 : 2]
3 x cuvée F (rouge) [sauf en 2028 : 2]
3 x Rapsodie (blanc) [en 2028 seulement]

Total sur 4 ans : 48 bouteilles pour 850€
Livraison incluse*
Vous économisez 192€**

Por 1 600.00 € o más


Recevez 24 bouteilles en 2025,2026,2027 et 2028

En 2025 1 bouteille de la cuvée Source 2022 (dégustée par le Roi, dans la limite des stocks disponibles) + 5 bouteilles du millésime 2023 de la même cuvée rebaptisée Claret "Thank you Charles"
Puis de 2026 à 2028, 4 x Claret "Thank you Charles"

6 x Château St-Ferdinand (rouge)
6 x Prestige (rouge)
6 x cuvée F (rouge)
[sauf en 2028 : 4]
4 x Rapsodie (blanc) [seulement en 2028]

+1 expérience au domaine pour 2 personnes (vendange, repas dans les vignes ou guinguette)
[date à convenir avec Noémie entre 2025 et 2028]

Total sur 4 ans : 96 bouteilles + 1 expérience au domaine pour 1600€
Livraison incluse*
Vous économisez 536€**

2 Contribuyentes no escogieron para volver .

gracias por WineFunders


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